Vatopedi Palimpsests Project
2024–present, Vatopedi Monastery, Mt. Athos, Greece.
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2013-present, Austrian National Library, Vienna, Austria. EMEL is a long-term partner with the Austrian National Library and the Byzantine Research Division of Institute for Medieval Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences. EMEL provides spectral imaging and image processing to recover erased ancient texts on selected palimpsests. Funded by the Austrian Science Foundation. 2019 to present, the…
2013 – 2014, Funded by National Endowment for the Humanities. This project integrated two proven technologies for imaging cultural artifacts: • Spectral imaging, which collects detailed color data in order to recover information which is indistinguishable to the naked eye, such as unreadable text on a manuscript or stages of revision in a painting.• Reflectance…
2016, State Library of Berlin. EMEL spectrally imaged a palimpsest that preserves rare early Ethiopic texts, including the oldest surviving copy of the Books of Enoch, the oldest non-biblical Ethiopic text, and several yet unidentified texts. Funded by the German Research Council. EMEL applied spectral imaging to a rare Ethiopic palimpsest at the State Library…
2015, Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Yale University. Funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. The Martellus’ map, which dates to about 1491, is a highly detailed map of the then known world – reputedly studied by Christopher Columbus. “Multispectral imaging recovered more information than we dared to hope for,” says Chet Van…
2017-2020, Ambrosiana Library, Milan, Italy. A collaboration of EMEL and St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, to apply spectral imaging and reflection transformation imaging to palimpsests at the Ambrosiana Library in Milan. Funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Multi-spectral imaging recovered texts that included a 5th century copy of the Book of Jubilees, the…
2013, Austrian National Library. Funded by the Austrian Science Foundation. Five unique Ancient Greek and Byzantine textual witnesses of great importance were imaged from palimpsests within the rescripti Vindobonenses. Imaging techniques included spectral reflective, fluorescence and transmissive modes. Austrian National Library – Division of Byzantine Research