Sinai Library Digitization Project

Sinai Library Digitization Project

2018–present, St. Catherine’s Monastery of the Sinai, Egypt. A collaboration of EMEL, St. Catherine’s Monastery of the Sinai, and the UCLA Library to digitize the Monastery’s unparalleled manuscript library (including the New Finds) and publish the resulting images online with searchable metadata. Donors include the Ahmanson Foundation, Arcadia, the Steinmetz Family Foundation, and the Museum…

Sinai Palimpsests Project

Sinai Palimpsests Project

2011-2016, St. Catherine’s Monastery of the Sinai, Egypt. A collaboration of EMEL, St. Catherine’s Monastery of the Sinai, and the UCLA Library to recover erased texts from the Monastery’s many palimpsests.  The project spectrally imaged 74 palimpsests (6,800 pages), identified 305 erased texts from Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, and created world’s largest collection…

Vienna Palimpsests Projects

Vienna Palimpsests Projects

2013-present, Austrian National Library, Vienna, Austria. EMEL is a long-term partner with the Austrian National Library and the Byzantine Research Division of Institute for Medieval Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences. EMEL provides spectral imaging and image processing to recover erased ancient texts on selected palimpsests. Funded by the Austrian Science Foundation. 2019 to present, the…

Codex Zacynthius Spectral Imaging Project

Codex Zacynthius Spectral Imaging Project

2018-2020, Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, United Kingdom. A collaboration of EMEL, Cambridge University Library, and the Institute for Textual Scholarship and Electronic Editing at Birmingham University. The project is led by Professor David Parker (Principal Investigator) and Dr Hugh Houghton (Co-Investigator) and is funded by an Arts and Humanities Research Council Research Grant. The erased…

Codex Climaci Rescriptus Spectral Imaging Project

Codex Climaci Rescriptus Spectral Imaging Project

2017-2018, Museum of the Bible Scholars Initiative, USA. Spectral imaging of an important palimpsest of Sinai provenance, in collaboration with the Lazarus Project and the Museum of the Bible Scholars Initiative. Funded by the MOTB SI. This palimpsest includes recycled folios from at least ten different Greek and Christian Palestinian Aramaic manuscripts. Multispectral imaging has…

Jubilees Palimpsest Spectral Imaging Project

Jubilees Palimpsest Spectral Imaging Project

2017-2020, Ambrosiana Library, Milan, Italy. A collaboration of EMEL and St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, to apply spectral imaging and reflection transformation imaging to palimpsests at the Ambrosiana Library in Milan. Funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Multi-spectral imaging recovered texts that included a 5th century copy of the Book of Jubilees, the…